Nobody said learning golf was going to be super easy. Basically, people are faced with adapting to new feels and movements which is generally the most common challenge with learning a new thing. There are many nuances, some of which are particularly detail oriented with golf so let’s discuss these
Change, as they say is inevitable. This is absolutely true however it doesn’t mean it is an easy thing especially for conscious choices. When people decide to start learning how to play golf, they have to make some sacrifices which appear as change in some aspects. Learning golf means dedicating time out of your schedule to go to the course or range which requires some compromise. Also, some level of fitness might be required. As you begin to learn how to play golf, you might discover that you have to adjust your diet or the time you eat because it is key to your fitness or it generally affects your performance on the golf course.

Quantifying training effectiveness
This is a challenge that is common with learning new things generally. It comes with expectations as beginners. Sometimes coaches are in the best position to do this assessment but it is not an uncommon thing likewise is it a bad idea for people to perform self assessment. The challenge here however is that beginners won’t know the metrics to use and sometimes the results of these assessments can be discouraging.
Too much information
Most times when people question the effectiveness of their training and they feel they are not matching up. They feel the need to seek out more information. Golf is not in any way a new sport so you will get more than enough information on your various searches. But with too much information also comes issues of conflict of information and as a beginner you wouldn’t know which information you should use or which you should be wary of. Now the danger of starting out wrongly is the difficulty to change when you are used to a particular technique or strategy and then it turns out you have been doing it wrongly all the while. Some of the sources are:
- Youtube and social media: With access to the internet, people can look up different videos on Youtube or other platforms. Social media is one place you can see different conflicting information because of how abundant it is.
- Golf buddies: Sometimes friends can also be sources of conflicting information as well and people get stuck between trusting their friend’s info and other sources they have consulted.
- Conflicting swing theories: There are endless ways to swing a golf club. But the fundamental positions in the swing and technique never change. The goal is singular-create good impact with sufficient speed.
Bottom line- golf can be challenging to learn at first but once you establish a baseline of how you swing and then correct accordingly, it becomes much easier.