Your golf swing is obviously very important in your game and must be done correctly to get desirable results. A lot of things can cause problems with your swing ranging from never learning the fundamentals or taking the wrong advice. Because of the abundance of information on the Internet as well as from other golfers, one can easily start down the wrong path. Diagnosing your swing helps you decide on what to fix . Basically, self diagnosing your swing is based on two major things which are discussed below

- Contact
Diagnosis of a golf swing starts with contact with the ball. You need to pay attention to the type of contact your club has with the ball. Are you hitting the ball fat or thin? Is the ball being compressed? Taking a forward divot in front of the ball? You have to understand what clean contact looks and feels like in order to determine how to fix it.
2. Direction
The direction of the ball is going to indicate how the face of the clubhead is presented at impact and the swing path or direction at impact. How much right or left the ball travels is simply based on how much a clubfabce or path is open or closed. Direction and for that matter, trajectory, is the simplest and most visual and practical way to determine what result your swing will produce.
Additionally, in self diagnosing your swing, you should use a 9 to 3 drill. Basically, halfway back and halfway through to ensure you are focusing on contact and direction. Practicing in this abbreviated fashion allows you to focus on impact and control. And to truly see what you are doing you need to have some video reference. Take a simple video from behind you so the camera is facing where you want to hit the ball. What you feel you are going is most likely very different from what you are actually are doing. Overall, having a feedback system such as video is invaluable.
In conclusion, knowing how to diagnose your swing is extremely helpful in the improvement process. Find an instructor who can help you with not only your swing but also to help you teach yourself how to do this diagnosis either visually or through video. You need to become aware of your tendencies and how to correct them as they come up and negatively affect your game. We can help in this process and feel free to contact us if you need any help!