Having worked with thousands of golf students taking golf lessons, we can tell you one of the main things we hear from students is they can’t take what they learned on the practice range out to the golf course. Students could have some breakthroughs or hit some great shots even with an instructor right there beside them, but when actually playing they seem much different results and most not very acceptable. They experience the same mistakes or errors in their swing or game and become increasingly frustrated and disappointed in their performance.That picture perfect fade now turns into a 45 yard banana ball and it’s back to square one.

But there’s a valid reason that this occurs. Basically, the student has never really learned how to consistently perform that new tasks they have been taught. There are two aspects of learning that need to take place in order to effectively make a change. Firstly, the student needs to understand what they are doing wrong and obviously how to correct it. Secondly, they need to ingrain the new technique or thoughts into their swing AND be able to effectively correct the old flaw on a fairly consistent basis.
There is a simple explanation as to why this inconsistency occurs. The task or skill taught has not truly been ingrained in the players capability yet. And to do so properly, it requires a dedicated rehearsal and practice of the instruction — but with feedback. This is key. Without proper feedback the student may continually execute the instruction improperly and never improve. It’s best if the practice is done under supervision by a trained professional but can be self-monitored using video as feedback. It could be as simple as using your phone for video or other more advanced technology but actually seeing what is happening versus guessing what is happening is crucial to long term adoption of the skills needed to implement any swing change.
“Even If You Are the Smartest Golfer In the World, It Is Absolutely Essential To Have Proper Feedback and Correction”
And this is how a professional golf instructor can significant;y increase your chances of success. Effective golf instructors can communicate things to a student so they firstly understand the concept your are trying to ingrain. Secondly, provide corrective measures to change the wrong patterns. Thirdly, ensure the student is properly executing the given instruction and lastly, making sure it works not on only on the range but on the course.
In a real world scenario, most golfers we see have never actually taken an on-course lesson. Furthermore, most instructors have never actually seen their students in action on the course. It’s preposterous considering the course is where it counts. Do you think a professional golfer would only hit balls on the range and never have instruction on the course. Of course not! As we all know, performing on the course and on the range are two very very different things. It is the golf coaches job to make sure that the student is performing the intended instruction properly with supervision to correct things accordingly.
Let’s be clear, the goal of golf is to shoot the lowest score possible. To do so requires more than just an effective swing. On the course there are so many variables not found on the range such as different lies, different weather factors, club selection, pin placement, hazards and the list goes on. Having an experienced golf coach from our staff at Golf Lessons Long Island will help golfers specifically with the application of this process described.
Just like a personal trainer in the gym, the coaches job with the student is to make sure they are giving 100%. Most people, left to their own devices, will perform at far less than that on their own and won’t have the accountability necessary to improve. This is precisely why the average handicap of golfers has remained relatively static over the last 30 years. Golfers think they can improve on their own (and some can-but very few) and spend their entire golfing lives chasing tips or techniques only to find themselves going backwards or not improving at all.
Whether the student’s goals are reduce their handicap, play better in an outing or just get better in general , there is no substitute for qualified instruction. Absent this guidance and coaching, the average golfer will continue to struggle and never reach their full potential.
We can certainly help with your golf goals and game Please inquire here for more info.